5 Signs You Are Stuck Within A Frequency of Suffering

Words like frequency and vibration are becoming more common within the vocabulary of everyday people as it relates to human consciousness and our essence. Before diving into how to identify the frequency of suffering, let’s take a brief moment to discuss the idea of frequency and what it means. As scientist have expanded research in the area of magnetic fields and human consciousness, they have began to share more details put into terms that the general public can comprehend. In brief, humanity is beginning to embrace the truth that being a human being consists of more than simply being a body. We are also electromagnetic fields of energy (souls) and we hold a frequency, according to our vibration.

Now, this is where it can get tricky but stay with me. The denser you are (carrying loads of unprocessed emotions and limiting beliefs, consuming foods that lack light properties, and ingesting inorganic chemicals, the lower your vibration will be. The opposite of that will result in a higher vibration. Vibration is referring to the speed of the molecules within your cells. The faster they spin the higher your vibration will rise as the energy in your body properly moves through your chakra system. Our chakra system is the invisible part of our anatomy that regulates our energy flow, when we are out of balance it shows in various ways. Hence, the reason authentic yogis and others include balancing the chakra system as a main focus within their spiritual practice. I am not a spiritual guru or scientist, so I hope that description is as accurate as possible, as I am sharing my organic innerstanding of it. Here are some visual aids to assist with connecting the dots.

Consciousness & Frequency

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Chakra System

As you can see from the correlation of the colors and what each of them represent; frequency, vibration, and our chakra system are all closely connected. As we raise our vibration, our chakra system speeds up, resulting in our ability to reach higher levels of consciousness. These higher states of consciousness enable us to see beyond illusions (systems and constructs put into place to keep us trapped within a particular bandwidth of frequency). Staying within these frequencies causes mankind to continuously manifest societal and world events of suffering. Just as we manifest in our lives individually, we, together manifest our world experiences collectively. One may be highly skeptical that there’s any truth in the idea of implemented structures intentionally planted to hold humanity in a particular level of consciousness and frequency, but if we are willing to detach our firm grip on what we believe we know and allow ourselves to explore evidence of this, we will likely began the process of seeing beyond the veil.  

Signs You Are Stuck Within The Frequency of Suffering

1. Lower Chakra Imbalance

The frequency of suffering primarily contains experiences that incite the emotions shown in the above graph, emotions such as: fear, guilt, shame, grief, anger and pride. Embodying these emotions as your default state of being are signs that your lower chakras are out of balance. These are normal emotions to feel from time to time within our human experience – but when our journey consistently reflect circumstances and interactions that correlate to these emotions, we are likely stuck in a frequency of suffering. Depression and anxiety are highly prone to be the results of these consistent feelings, leading to secondary chronic illnesses within the body such as High Blood Pressure, Congestive Heart Failure and other ailments.


2. Repeated Patterns of Experiences  

When you are stuck in this frequency, you may notice your participation in repeated patterns playing out in your personal life and on the world stage. Similar to a play with characters rehearsing the same scene over and over; except in our human experience, the story line usually remain the same while the characters change. An example of this on the world stage can be seen in the news stories, in particular, the narrative regarding racism and police, citizen relations. This story line has repeated itself more times than we can count. And the reaction from the collective is usually the same with outrage, protest and then silence, until the next cycle began to repeat itself.

You will also witness these repeated patterns in your personal life. Examples of this can be found in the area of relationships, career or finances. In romantic relationships, we can find ourselves entering into a courtship with different partners only to end up having the same type of outcome. And when relating to family and friends we are likely to have recurring disagreements or strained interactions with them. It can also show-up in the form of a job or co-worker connections; entering into a different role with a new employer and new co-workers, but resulting in similar outcomes, i.e., a hostile work environment or negative rapport with peers. With finances, we will experience repeated lessons of loss and hardships. These scenarios are being used to give you an idea of what this may look like. For you, personally, it may show up in different forms. Only you can decipher this for yourself.  


3. Often Feeling Frustrated

Having a deep sense of frustration with life, feeling that peace and joy oftentimes eludes you is another sign that you are likely stuck in lower frequencies.


4. Victim Consciousness

Functioning from the belief that everything keeps happening to you and to the people around you is a sign of victim consciousness, which is linked to the frequency of suffering.  And while things may be actually happening, the missing key is your ability to see that you have the power to control much of your reality through your thoughts, emotions and actions. We are all active participants in our lives, co-creating our experiences with the universe (God). We are never powerless and always have the freedom to choose.


5. Acts of Violence

Violence is prevalent in your reality. It surrounds you, your friends and loved ones.  People close to you often have their life here on earth cut short by acts of violence. People and environments that contain a lot of violence are extremely low vibration and are anchored in the frequency of suffering.

We all have the power to raise our vibration & consciousness and elevate out of suffering!

In my book, I go into depth about the structures that keep us locked into the frequency of suffering. And my experiences of how I exited, resulting in freedom from repeated patterns, anxiety and lack of joy, finding a level of internal and external peace I never knew existed.  Our human experience is one filled with ample amounts of opportunity to embark upon total bliss – tasting new foods, taking in new scenery, developing loving, supporting soul felt relationships and manifesting creative contributions to humanity that will help drive human evolution forward. Being stuck in a frequency of suffering separates us from these possibilities. And those who support this separation profit from it greatly! It is my hope that what I share will assist ALL souls with breaking free from the limitation, so they may have the fullness of life they came here for! 


Book Release Coming Soon!

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