How To Use Your Emotions To Create The Life You Desire

If there was ever a time to be passionate about manifesting the life we desire, that time is now! As the world moves through various states of being, it has become apparent that we must deliberately choose what side of life we would like to be on. Do we want to participate in anchoring peace, love, joy and abundance into our human experience? Or would we like to continue to uphold the structure that keeps us in bondage of fear, anger, depression and lack?

With many of us being severed from our truth of being powerful co-creators of our reality, we have been manifesting our life conditions by default, choosing from the limitations presented to us and living in a state of reactivity instead of conscious decision making. When information on The Law of Attraction became popular, the idea of creating our lives from thought was fascinating! We started making vision boards, hanging post-it notes with positive affirmations and training our mind to only think positive.  And while all of this is beneficial, it is not sustainable to truly bring forth the life we desire. Many of us have probably come to that awareness as years have passed by without any real movement in our circumstances.

What most teachings on Law of Attraction and manifesting neglected to discuss is how much of a role our emotional state plays in our ability to see our manifestations through.  The better we feel, the higher our chances are at making healthy, productive decisions. The worse we feel, the greater the chance of us making a self-sabotaging decision. Repairing our emotional body prior to focusing on manifesting is the key to shifting our daydream into our actual day. It is only by this route that we are able to reach up into the frequency of joy, use our imagination to conjure up pictures of what we would like life to look like and begin anchoring that picture into our reality. But when we are still suffering from trauma, depression, anxiety, feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy, we struggle to feel deserving of abundance and therefore can’t find the good feelings needed to start working towards our better life.

The Shift

Shifting our hurt to healed is obtainable but for most people it requires much more than good advice and positive quotes. To reach the level of wholeness and higher-consciousness needed for abundant manifesting we must be willing to go within, challenge our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us and get into alignment with what we truly want. If we believe that things will never change, they won’t. And the same applies to our thoughts of victory. Before coming into complete awareness that I had the power to choose what type of life I wanted and the quality of people I wanted in it, I thought my life was set as is. The only level of control I believed I had was the freedom to choose a job, partner and children. But I never imagined literally creating my entire experience through healing my trauma, questioning what I believed and finding the courage to release every thought, feeling and construct that was not helping produce rewarding results.

The shift in my perception of being powerless to powerful happened gradually and then became more real for me after going on a deeply intentional journey of self-discovery.  I turned off the TV, logged off  social media, distanced myself from family and friends (except a few) and disconnected from all  thoughts of who I was and needed to be to others. The result of this was clarity beyond thought. I found my essence as a multidimensional being, having a human experience. Our human experience has the potential to be magical if we allow it to be. Allowing this is difficult for most though – because we have been subconsciously conditioned to believe, think and act a certain way, resulting in the same old outcomes; living in cycles and patterns. But this does not have to continue to be your story. You have the power to change the narrative, tear down the old and build the new!

How I Changed The Narrative

When I decided to unapologetically unplug my emotions from everything opposite of what I wanted to experience, my life began to look completely different! Positive energy increased greatly. I developed a deeper connection with God (the universe), myself and people. The most monumental shift was me fully embracing my passion for healing. Focusing all of my energy on building the new instead of fighting the old, allowed me the time and space to learn how to design and launch my own WordPress website. This was a huge undertaking for someone who knew nothing about website development. During the process, my family was in awe of me. They would watch me spend hours moving thru the trial and error phase while I researched. I also created my own logo and registered my business as a LLC, so it could feel official to me. I did this to remind myself of my potential and to not take a hobby approach to my gift. A life changing lesson l learned through this season was: when you detach your emotions from things that are not serving your highest good, you will discover your ability to tap into intelligence within yourself that you never knew existed! I am now writing a book and working on creating workshops to teach others how to heal, move into divine connection and remove blockages preventing them from manifesting the life they truly desire. Our emotional state is key to creating a better world inside and out.

The Formula

  1. Find the courage to be completely honest with yourself about the current condition of your inner and outer world. You can’t fix what you refuse to face.
  2. Ask source (God, Universe, Spirit) to help you move into a space beyond victim consciousness. You are not powerless. It’s only your thoughts that make you feel that way.
  3. Begin addressing what is revealed to you, what you have been stuffing down and hiding from. Don’t be afraid to seek assistance.
  4. Surrender to joy and let it take root in you. Become compassionately unapologetic about your happiness.
  5. Begin envisioning the life you desire, simmer in the good feelings that arise from your daydream, hold the vision and see it all the way through while you take radical action to make it tangible.

When we are better individually, we are better collectively.

Book Release & Transformative Workshops Coming Soon!

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