Eating Plant-Based Does Not Automatically Equal Healthy

Discover The Hidden Truths About Optimum Health

Did you know that being a vegan or vegetarian does not necessarily equal healthy? Since a great deal of us have become more aware of the harmful effects of meat consumption, we are now starting to turn up the volume on plant-based meals. And while this is an awesome transition for a lot of us, it can also be a bit tricky – so I thought this would be a great subject to share for a large population of transitioning vegans/vegetarians. 

My journey to being more consciousness about what I put into my body started about 6 years ago when I learned of Dr. Sebi. The late Dr. Sebi, born Alfredo Bowman, in Spanish Honduras was the first person I ever heard speak about food in such a way that it made me question everything I thought I knew about nutrition. Who knew all fruits and vegetables weren’t created equal?

Dr. Sebi Lectures

Until listening to his lectures, I thought all fruits and vegetables, no matter the type, were good for you.  Boy, was I in for a rude awakening! Dr. Sebi believed in only one disease, excessive accumulation of mucus within the body. The over abundance of mucus causes our cells to suffocate and not receive the oxygen and nutrients needed for survival, resulting in unhealthy cells that can’t function properly, leaving our internal systems to suffer. He taught on the importance of consuming foods and beverages with a pH above 7.0.

This is considered an alkaline pH level which is ideal for maintaining a healthy internal environment. Foods below a 7.0 pH level are considered to be neutral – acidic; the lower the pH value, the more acidic the food product. Fruits and vegetables aren’t the only food sources that have pH ranges. Pretty much every food product we consume has a pH level; this includes nuts, grains, legumes, herbs, spices, seeds and sweeteners.  Acidic foods are known to create inflammation within the body, greatly contributing to chronic and terminal illnesses. Considering the pH level of our food and drinks gives us a better chance of developing and maintaining good health.  

"Eat To Live" - Dr. Sebi

Being a advocate for proper use of herbs and minerals for healing, Dr. Sebi created his own healing brand of natural supplements: Dr. Sebi’s Cell Foodand nutritional guide to assist those seeking alternatives to traditional Western Medicine. 

While I pay great homage to the late Dr. Sebi, as I am forever grateful for his service to humanity, he was/is not the only Natural Medicine Practitioner that supports the research of alkaline vs. acid diets. If you were to simply Google Alkaline Diet, you would find a large amount of information. 

Other resources that broadened my perspective of food were the documentaries:

One in particular, (I believe it was Forks Over Knives – but it’s been a while since I watched it, so don’t quote me) also showed research of how the alkaline focused diet made drastic improvements in patients that were suffering from Diabetes, HTN and other chronic diseases.

I didn’t watch the more recent popular documentary, What the Health – because I didn’t need any more convincing. There’s so much more to learn and speak about on the subject though. I’m not as far on my journey to optimum health as I aspire to be, but I am a great deal further than I was 6 years ago. Eating is a fundamental part of our existence and it’s our first introduction to pleasure, so it’s a very difficult area to shift when you’re seeking to make changes. Be patient with yourself and try your best to NOT give up! Your quality of life will change drastically and you will be eternally grateful for it.   

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